
Tuesday 30 October 2018

Halloween Tomorrow

IALT:tell about halloween 
Hey guys so tomorrow is the day for dressing up and going trick or treating it will be halloween and I can not to go trick or treating and dressing up as whatever so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

1 comment:

  1. '...dressing up as whatever so yeah'??? - It is important that you are clear and specific with your audience Alo.
    As a reader, I am interested in why you are not going trick or treating.
    Your learning intention says that you are learning to tell us about Halloween. What have you told us about Halloween that reflects a year 8 learner?
    What have you learned about Halloween that you didn't know before?
    For example, Where did the name Halloween come from?... How did the celebration of Halloween start?...Do you know why people say "trick or treat" during Halloween?

    Let us know how we can help you extend your learning on Halloween.
    We are more than happy to help! 🎃
