
Wednesday 29 August 2018

I'm Back

IALT:talk about on where I have been
Hey guys so if you notice I have not blog since Saturday and that is because when I got home from church I felt sick and I got worse.

 So I have stayed at home to rest and get better and I have not been to school yet but next week I will be going be going back to school oh and also happy birthday Michael Jackson.

So yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Saturday 25 August 2018

Church Tomorrow

IALT:tell about church tomorrow
Hey guys so tomorrow I have church and I can not wait to have sunday school to learn more about god and also reading and studying the book of mormon and just having a good time so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep. 

Friday 24 August 2018

Year 8 Day At Tamaki College Reflection

IALT:reflect on the year 8 day at Tamaki College
Hey guys so I really enjoyed spending a day at Tamaki College because I got to really experience a day at high school so we did english, maths, science and p.e.

First we went all lined up and Mrs Komor and the years 7's went back to school so we all walked to the library and these 2 man provided morning tea for us which I appreciated so much we had chips, muesli bar, apple and water.

We all got introduced to the deputy principal of Tamaki College and he talked about what we were going to do today and then he gave us the timetable of what we are going to do and then we ate while watching a video.

The year 9's were our helpers for the whole day and I knew all 5 of them because they used to come to my school last year so they helped us.

We first had english and we went in the classroom and sat at table or desk and our english teacher was Mrs Fepuleai and she gave us a spelling test so we had to at 8 words on the board for 10 seconds and then she will take off and will have to spell the word right and then write what it means.

   We went upstairs to have maths and when we got there we had to sit in buddies I was Tevita so we all watch a video first and then we did christmas maths questions that was really hard to do but we tried our best and got some right. 

It was time to go back to the library for lunch so walked back downstairs and went to the library and we had pizza but it was not there yet so the year 9's went to gave us a tour around the school before the pizza arrived about 8 or 9 minutes later the pizza was here so we went back and ate pizza for lunch.

We finish eating our pizza and then we went to go do some science so we went and met our science teacher and he talked about a bit of himself so he did these amazing experiments like getting 2 little cup of water and when he pour the cup of water to the other it change color so it was amazing.  

We then we walked the gym and basketball court inside area and then we went to the basketball court and met our p.e teacher and she said that we were going to play capture the flag.

   That's when there are 2 teams and they try to run to your or my side to get there flag but if they run and we and tag them then the have to put the flag back if they got it.

I was in team 2 and we lost 3 game but won the last one after we played it was time to walk back to school so we got our school bags and walked back to school well not I walked to my nena's house.

I felt great after that because It was great experiencing a day in a high school also having pizza for lunch and getting having a tour of the school.

So yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Thursday 23 August 2018

Good Night

Image result for good night gif
IALT:tell good night
Hey guys so I would just like to write down good night because it is time to go sleep and wake up fresh in the morning. 

But I have no school tomorrow because there is going to be a teachers only day so I can not wait to sleep in and just chill on my laptop or watch TV so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Tech And Year 8 Day At Tamaki College Tomorrow

IALT:tell about tech tomorrow
Hey guys so tomorrow we will be having tech but there will be a little change for me and the year 8's we will be staying at tamaki college to experience a day at high school for next year.

 I not wait because I am going to be at college next year so it will be good getting a experience and see how it is like to be in high school so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Kiwisport Reflection

IALT:reflect on kiwisport
Hey guy so I really enjoyed doing kiwisport yesterday it was really fun to do we got to be into buddies I was with Tevita and we all played a game of knee tag and if we got tap on the knee we would have to do one burpee.

We also practice our jab and cross with no boxing gloves and one of use had to hold a noodle and that was like a punching bag that we to hold but not heavy at all then we will switch after we do 10 jab and crosses.

We learnt this move called the silp when move you upper body to side and slipping to side a bit so the punch does not get you so we all practice then we did our left and right hook and uppercut.

We put it altogether and put it together to make combo and then we to name all 3 commandments but some could not remember it I was one of them but Kensington said all 3 of them and won himself a water bottle with a sticker to go on it.

I felt great after that because it was fun learning that silping move and playing some knee tag because I have not played that game for a time.

What I found Challenging:I found it hard and easy doing the combo because it was easy doing the jab, cross and hook but the silping move and uppercut move was hard so it is something I need to work on.

What I enjoyed:I enjoyed playing knee tag because it was playing with Tevita and also trying to a burpee.

So yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep. 

Monday 20 August 2018

Auckland Museum Trip Day 2 Reflection

IALT:reflect on the trip to the museum
Hey guys so I really enjoy going to the museum last week again on friday it was fun to see Wendy and Angellika again we had to finished off our work in buddies. 

I was with Fe'ao and we used to make this movie tinkercad and the green screen I enjoyed using tinkercad because I like to draw online (kind of). 

We then had our morning tea and that was also our time to chat we went back and finish our drawing off our drawing so we can use it as our backgrounds so we had to get it done.

So we will are about to have lunch soon so we decided to record after lunch so we did and we finish our drawing and then put it as our background and done our movie.

What I found Challenging:I found it hard using tinkercad because it was hard to draw how the city would after an earthquake.

What I enjoyed:I enjoyed recording something so we had something and also drawing the city after an earthquake online.

So yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Thursday 16 August 2018

Another Day At The Museum Tomorrow

IALT:tell about tomorrow
Hey guys so tomorrow we are going to the museum again and I can not wait because when we went there Tuseday it was fun as doing the V.R and the vlonic house so I hope we get to do that again so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Good Night (Short Quick Blog)

Image result for Good Night gif
IALT:tell good night
Hey guys so I wish all of you to have a good night sleep so you can wake up tomorrow with lots of energy to go school or anywhere so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Auckland Museum Trip Day 1 Reflection

IALT:reflect on the museum trip
Hey guys so today half of us went to the museum and our teachers at the museum was Tom, Aaron, Wendy and Angelina.

We went on a bus that was really cool it had a tv and it was like karaoke bus because before we left the bus driver came with his mic and explain the rules of the bus.

When we got there Me and Tevita carried the box full of our morning tea so we carried it from outside to inside of the museum.

Toma and Tevita carried it up the stairs which is long and took it to the kai room while the rest of us went to the learning space where we were going to do the fun staff.

So first Wendy and Angelina introduce themselves and then they talked about what we were going to do today so first we had to spit in 2 groups.

 The first group (The group I was in) went with Tom and Aaron to go visit the vlonic house and explore the area and different parts of the museum too.

The second group stayed in the learning space and tried the tech stuff like the V.R (Virtual Reality) but first we took a group photo on the green screen with the museum background and then the other group took a photo then we went and the other  group stayed.

We follow Tom and Aaron to the vlonic house and area and it was amazing because we walked past some insects, dinosaur bones, Moa bird and agent history after we went threw all of that we got there.

So first Tom and Aaron told us what we were going to do and then we went to the entrance of the vlonic house.

 The house is just like a normal house where you live at the beach but then one news comes on and talks about how a volcanic eruption happening then the lights go off and on and tv turns off and then the house moves and we see the eruption and what the beach looks like after the eruption.

We went out of the house and then we explore the vlonic area with our buddy I was with Toma and we all have worksheets and we have to complete the question on what we learnt from the house and area.

We saw a lot of rocks and one where you can play it with the drum hammer stick to make rock music it was pretty fun to play and also this grey suit that people wore to protect themselves from the lava and heat
and this big rock with ape's footprint.

Tom and Aaron told us that we will be going to the dinosaur and birds like the Moa bird and Emu also a big penguin and eggs from moas it was pretty cool to look at it then we walked outside and talked about what used to be here on the domain and that we were standing on a volcano.

We all walked up to our learning space and then went to the kai room to have our morning tea I just had my water bottle because after that walk I was very thirsty so that is why.

Mrs Komor told us to stand up and go to the learning space so we did then we switch so the people that were in the learning space goes with Tom and Aaron and we stayed in the classroom so the learning space has a lot of fun staff to do so there was the green screen, V.R, stop motion, 3d Paint and robot coding.

So first Me and Toma did robot coding then we did 3d painting then did the green screen and got to the good part the V.R it was really fun because we got draw but we did not have time to do stop motion due to time for lunch.

We had lunch provided by the museum and that taste nice and we were just talking until lunch time was over after that we all went back to the learning space.

Wendy told us that we had to go in buddys or a group of 3 and we had to plan to make a movie about a natural disaster using the V.R, green screen, stop motion and 3d paint so we can start making it when we go back on friday.

I was with Fe'ao and we are doing earthquakes we are thinking to use the V.R or the green screen to make our movie.

We plan a bit but then it was time to pack up so we did and then we said thank you to the museum teachers and then walked down to bus and went back to school.

I felt great after that because it was fun going for the second time and just having a great time.

My next step is to start making the movie for earthquakes so we have something on friday.

I enjoyed doing the V.R because it was fun drawing everywhere and going to the different places.

So yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep..

Monday 13 August 2018

Museum Trip Tomorrow

IALT:talk about the trip tomorrow 
Hey guys so tomorrow half of us will be going to the museum and I am one of them and I can not wait to go. 

Because I have been there once so it will be fun going there again and learning more about natural disasters.

Doing fun things there and also learning about the NZ history so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Kiwisport Reflection

IALT:reflect on kiwisport
Hey guys so today we had another day of kiwisport the first thing we did was line up outside of class and the we all walked down the hall but not by shortest to tallest.

Pat (Our Boxing Teacher) told us to put on our boxing gloves and went on a circle and practice out footwork so we had to run sideways left and right and when Pat will switch we would run the other way.

Pat then told us that we would walk back and front in the circle and the new thing is when she says jab then we jab but punching down to the ground.

We got into buddies and then went in 2 rows and practice what we have learn so far so that will have to be a jab, cross, left & right hook and left & right uppercut.

Mrs Komor and Pat came with their gloves and Miss Komor have the back row and Pat was in the front row (The row I was in) and when Pat came to us we had to hit her glove with a jab, cross and left hook.

Next move we did was also jab, cross & right hook Mrs Komor came to out row and Pat went to the back and then we stop and got into out buddies and we had find a space to stand at.

We had to do the same thing that Mrs Komor & Pat did and this time with the left and right uppercut I was with Fe'ao and we had to both do the combo in 1 minute.

We were done but then Pat told us that we would do a plank for 1 minute so we did and then took off out boxing gloves and line up and walked back to class.

I felt great after that because it was fun doing the footwork game and doing the same old boxing moves and just having a great time

I found it hard doing the plank because it was hard to do it for 1 minute but I did my best and it was really fun and hard to do.

So yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Friday 10 August 2018

P.E Reflection

Image result for p.eImage result for P.E
IALT:reflect on P.E
Hey guys so today in the morning block we all went outside to do some p.e so the first thing we did was line up and walked to the bike track then we had to jog around the track 2 times.

Mrs Komor and Miss Aireen told us to line ourselves from tallest to the shortest and then we walked up to the netball courts and stand on the yellow line.

We first did some exercises one of the exercises we did was walking lunges when we have to walk forward and bend down a bit so out knee can touch the ground a bit.

All of us got into buddy's and played knee tag that when you try touch their knee and if you they do one burpee and then you keep on playing until we get 4 more points.

Mrs Komor told us to line up in our birthday months from january to december I was in october because my birthday is on october and then we played one more game.

We all walked down to basketball court and played golden child when 1 group is shooting and other group is running and whoever shoots and get it in the runner has to stop where he or she is and the golden child is the last and gets them all and run to the finish line where the other runners made.

First we did girls vs boy and then Y7's & 8's The boys (My group) won 2 times so we won and the year 8's (My group) won too so we all basically won the hole game.

I felt great after that because it was playing golden child and doing the exercises also walking around the track it was fun and I really enjoyed it.

So yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great weekend. 

Thursday 9 August 2018

My First Music Reflection For Term 3 2018

IALT:reflect on music
Hey guys so today we had music so the first thing we did was line up and then we walked down to the music room and Caleb (Our Music Teacher) was there.

When we got there we talked about on what we would do this term so we were learning how to play the piano now for the next 2 weeks and then we will to play the guitar.

Caleb got the 2 keyboards and plug it in and there was already a piano so we had 4 people on the 2 keyboards and 5 people on the piano.

We had to play the piano notes to this video of this man singing these songs and it  show what notes we have to play on the piano.

I played the keyboard and the xylophone twice it was fun to play and also good to learn it too.

I felt good after that because it was fun learning how to play the keyboard and the piano and also learning how to play the songs like my girl by the temptations (Kind Of).

So yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep. 

My First Tech Reflection For Term 3 2018

IALT:reflect on tech
Hey guys so after 2 weeks of not having tech we finally had tech so the first thing we did was line up and walked down to the bus.

When we got there my tech teacher Mrs Ferguson came and got us and other groups walked after us then we went inside the class and found a table to sat at. 

Mrs Ferguson called us to grab our chair and around the table she was sitting at and then she showed us type of clay to draft make our phone stand.

She said to make it like you mean it and that after we make our phone stand design that we will have to use a wood square phone to test out phone stand and then my teacher will have to take a photo of it.

The phone stand that I made was a like the little brown person on little big planet but it sitting down and the arms are pointing on the front so the arms can hold the phone.

I felt great after that because it was good finally to start making my phone stand even doe it was draft but I still enjoy and I can not wait to make my real phone stand.

So yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Tech Tomorrow (Flippin Finally)

IALT:tell about tech tomorrow
Hey guy so after 3 weeks of not having tech tomorrow we will finally be having tech.

I can not wait to start making my phone stand before we change classes next week or the week after.

Then using it for my phone when I get one.

so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Social Science (Natural Disasters) Reflection

IALT:reflect on social science
Hey guys so on Monday we did social science with Mrs Komor on natural disasters.

 The first thing we did was get into groups of 4 I was with Toma, Tevita & Kaleb. 

We had to choose a island or a country and we chose Samoa we had to find what natural disasters happen in Samoa and how it affect people. 

In Samoa they have earthquakes, tsunami, floods, droughts, volcanic eruptions and tropical storms.

 The effect of these natural disasters is losing their houses and becoming homeless, People lose their live and even some of their families.

They will also have no food to eat and water to drink and most of all no wear to sleep but beside outside with a blanket. 

That his what me, Kaleb, Toma & Tevita did for natural disasters at Samoa.

I found it hard to this task because it was hard trying to find the right things to put on natural disasters paper that we did for Samoa.

 But I know that I could do it and I did do it and I am so glad that I did.

So yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Museum Trip Next Week

IALT:talk about the museum trip next week
Hey guys so next week we will going to the Auckland museum. Half of us will be going on different days. Group 1 (my group) will be going on Tuesday and group 2 will be going on Friday.

 I can't wait to go because it will be my second time going there and also learning about New Zealand history and also learning more about natural disasters and just having a great time at the museum.

 So yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Good Morning

WALT:Tell About The Morning
Hey guys so I would to write down good morning and today is a bright sunny day and I hope you people have a great morning tea so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great day today.

Monday 6 August 2018

Kiwisport Reflection

WALT:Reflect On Kiwisport
Hey guys so today we had kiwisport so the first thing we did was line up outside of class and then we walked down to the hall. 

When we got there we put on some boxing gloves then we sat in a circle and went threw the 3 boxing in schools comments respect, discipline & safety. 

After that we standed up we went in 2 rows and went thru on the punches that we learned last week and that was a jab and a cross and then we learned some new moves the hook and uppercut. 

For the hook we had to swing our hand to the left or right and make sure your fist and elbow and is straight on the left and right and the uppercut is the same but you punching up like in the sky. 

Then our boxing teacher came with her gloves and came to us and we had to hit with a uppercut and a hook left or right or combo when do it all together and when we hit her glove then everyone copies.

And then we worked on our footwork so moving back forward and backward and side to side after we did that we got into buddy's and did everything that we learnt then we took off our gloves and then went back to class. 

I felt great after that because it was good learning some more boxing skills and having fun with my friends.

I found it hard and easy because doing the hook was hard because it was hard putting my arm and elbow straight but it was easy doing the uppercuts because all you need was to punch up the sky.

I enjoyed doing to footwork because it was good exercise and it was fun moving from back to front to side to side left and right.

So yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Sunday 5 August 2018

Good Night (Short Version)

Image result for Good Night gif
WALT:Tell Good Night
Hey guys so I would like to wish you a good night sleep because it is time now to go to sleep
and have sweet dreams and then wake up in the morning and get ready for school so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Tech On Thursday (New Photo) (Short Version)

WALT:Tell About Tech On Thursday
Hey guys so we have tech on thursday and I can not wait to start making my phone stand and getting it done by the time we all switch classes and also just making it is right so it can work good so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

KiwiSport Tomorrow (Boxing)

WALT:Tell About Boxing Tomorrow
Hey guys so tomorrow we have kiwisport and we are doing boxing and I can not wait to put on some boxing gloves and learning some boxing skills also having fun with my friends and doing boxing safely so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.  

Tongan Language Week Coming Up

Related image
WALT:To Tell What Is Happening
Hey guys so in week 7 it will be Tongan language week and I can not wait because I am Tongan so it will be good learning more about my culture also having the special assembly to celebrate The Tongan culture so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Back To School Tomorrow

WALT:Tell About School Tomorrow
Hey guys so tomorrow I have school and I can not wait because I can not wait because I get to see my friends and teachers also learning more about natural disasters and also doing boxing for kiwisport and just having a great time at school so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.  

Thursday 2 August 2018

Good Night (Short Version)

Image result for Good Night gif
WALT:Tell Good Night
Hey guys so I would like to wish you a good night sleep because it is time to go to sleep and dream so tomorrow you can wake up fresh for school so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

I Got A Haircut

WALT:Tell What We Did Outside Of School
Hey guys so today my brother cutted my hair and I am happy that I cutted my hair because I had a lot of hair on my head and I just wanted a haircut so my brother cut my hair and I am so glad that I got a haircut so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep and 
P.S I am not blad

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Tuakana Teina Reflection

WALT:Reflect On Tuakana Teina Day
Hey guys so yesterday we had room 4 & 5 come into our class because it was tuakana teina I was with Jeremy from room 4 and Kaleb. 

And we did introduce ourselves and then some work to know more about Jeremy and then we all went outside and ran around the bike track and also did some outside exercises.

 After morning tea we did a cook island jigsaw puzzle activity and when that was done room 4 went back to class and room 5 stayed with us for the whole day. 

I felt great after that because I had fun with Jeremy and Kaleb also helping the other kids and just a having a great time so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep. 

No Tech Tomorrow (Short Version) (New Photo)

WALT:Tell Why
Heys guys so there will be no tech tomorrow because it is teachers only day at tamaki college and I was quite bummed out because I wanted to start making my phone stand so I get it done and use it but hey there is always next week to come so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great night sleep.

Good Morning

WALT:Tell About The Morning
Hey guys so I would like to write down good morning because it is a cloudy and sunny day today and I hope you people have a had a good morning so far also do the right and make good choices today so yeah you are welcome to leave a comment and have a great day today.